ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tip link

Okay, imagine you are playing a game with your friends and you have to pass a secret message to them. But instead of passing the message directly, you want to send them a special link. This special link is called a Tip Link.

Now, let's break down what a Tip Link actually is. Imagine a regular link is like a normal road that you use to go from one place to another. But a Tip Link is like a magical road that not only takes you to another place but also has special information attached to it.

When you click on a Tip Link, it will not only take you to a new webpage or website, but it will also carry a special message or tip along with it. So when your friend clicks on the link you sent them, they will reach a website or webpage just like any other link, but they will also get your secret message or tip that you wanted to share with them.

This can be really useful because sometimes you want to share something important or interesting with your friends, but you can't always explain it in regular words. With a Tip Link, you can send them the link and include a message explaining what you want to share, making it easier for them to understand.

So, a Tip Link is like a special kind of link that helps you send secret messages or tips along with it, making it fun and useful when you want to share something special with your friends.
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