ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Title 15 of the Code of Federal Regulations

Title 15 of the Code of Federal Regulations is a set of rules created by the United States government to help keep people and businesses safe and fair when they do things like buy and sell things or make products.

Think of it like having rules at home, like no running with scissors or no jumping on the bed. These rules help keep everyone safe and happy. The rules in Title 15 work the same way, but they cover things like how companies have to test products to make sure they are safe before they sell them to you, or how businesses have to tell you if a product has dangerous chemicals in it.

Title 15 also has rules to make sure everyone is playing fairly, like making sure businesses aren't lying to you about what their product can do or how much it costs. Title 15 also has rules to help protect the environment, like making sure businesses don't pollute the air or water.

Overall, Title 15 helps protect people, make sure businesses are honest and fair, and keeps the environment safe.