ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tomato ketchup

Tomato ketchup is a very tasty sauce that people put on their food to make it more delicious. It's made from a bunch of different ingredients, but the main one is tomatoes. First, the tomatoes are picked from a garden or field and washed. Then they are chopped up and cooked with some other things like sugar, vinegar, and spices.

After that, everything is mixed together and boiled for a while until it becomes a thick and smooth sauce. Once it's done cooking, the sauce is put into bottles or jars so people can use it whenever they want.

People love tomato ketchup because it tastes really good and goes well with a lot of foods. You might like to put it on your french fries, hamburgers, or hot dogs. Some people even put it on eggs, chicken, or pizza!

So, tomato ketchup is a yummy sauce made from tomatoes and other ingredients that people use to make their food taste even better!