ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Toxic waste

Toxic waste is like yucky stuff that can make you really sick if you touch it or breathe it in. It's like when you have really bad germs that your mom tells you to stay away from so you don't get sick. But toxic waste is even worse than that because it can hurt other things too, like plants and animals.

Sometimes people make things that they don't need anymore, like old electronics or chemicals they used to make other things. These things can be really dangerous and need to be thrown away somewhere safe so they don't make people or the environment sick. That's where toxic waste comes in.

Toxic waste might look like normal trash, but it has special stuff inside that can be really harmful. Imagine if you had a toy that had a battery inside it. If you didn't need the toy anymore, you wouldn't just throw it away in the trash like you do with other things. That's because the battery inside the toy has special things in it that can be really dangerous if they get into the ground or water.

So, when people make things that can be dangerous, they have to be really careful to throw them away in a special place where they can't hurt anyone or anything. This is called a toxic waste dump. It's like a big hole in the ground that's lined with special stuff to make sure the toxic waste doesn't seep into the ground or get into the air.

It's really important that we know what to do with toxic waste so we don't get sick and to make sure our planet stays healthy for a long time.