ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tramway tracks

Tramway tracks are like roads that trains called trams can ride on. Trams are like big buses except they run on rails or tracks instead of driving on the road. The tracks keep the tram going in the right direction so it doesn't swerve off course. Tracks usually have metal in them and are often found in cities.

Just like when you're on a road, you have to be careful when crossing tramway tracks. The tracks can be slippery if they are wet, so it's important to be cautious if you are walking or biking near the tracks.

Sometimes, tramway tracks go underground, so the train goes through tunnels. Other times, they go over bridges, so the trams can go across water or over busy streets.

Overall, tramway tracks are important for keeping trams on track and getting people where they need to go. They are like special roads just for trams, and they help make transportation easier and more efficient for everyone.