ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Transfer table

Okay, imagine you have a lot of toys and you want to move them from one room to another. But there are so many of them that you can't carry them all at once. So you decide to use a transfer table.

A transfer table is like a special kind of conveyor belt that helps you move things from one place to another. It's like a big table with a flat surface that moves back and forth, kind of like a seesaw.

You put your toys on one end of the table, and then the table moves them to the other end. Once they get to the other end, you can pick them up and move them to their new home.

But here's the cool part: the transfer table can move in different directions, too. That means you can use it to move your toys to different rooms. Maybe you have one room for your dolls, and another room for your cars. You can use the transfer table to move your dolls to their room, and then move your cars to their room.

Overall, a transfer table is just a really helpful tool for moving things around. It's kind of like a super-powered moving truck, but for smaller things like toys or boxes.