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Transjordan in the Bible

Transjordan refers to a place mentioned in the Bible that is located on the eastern side of the Jordan River, which is a big river in the Holy Land. The name "Transjordan" means "across the Jordan River" because it is on the other side of the river from where most of the stories in the Bible take place.

Back in ancient times, people used to live in this area and they were called the Moabites and the Ammonites. Sometimes, they were friendly with the people from the other side of the Jordan River, and other times, they were not so friendly.

In the Bible, there are many stories that mention Transjordan. For example, there is a story about a big group of people called the Israelites who were wandering around in the desert. They wanted to go to a place called Canaan, which was on the other side of the Jordan River. But to get there, they needed to cross Transjordan first.

The Israelites had a leader named Moses, and he wanted to send some people into Transjordan to see what it was like. So, he sent a few spies to check it out. When the spies returned, they said that the people living there were very big and strong, and they had big, scary cities with tall walls. This made the Israelites very scared, and they didn't want to go into Transjordan anymore.

But Moses told them that with the help of God, they could overcome those big and strong people. They had to trust in God and be brave. So, the Israelites crossed the Jordan River and went into Transjordan. With God's help, they were able to defeat their enemies and conquer the land.

Transjordan is also mentioned in other stories in the Bible, like when some prophets or messengers from God would go there to talk to the people and give them important messages. These messengers were like special people who could speak for God, and they would tell the people how to live a good and righteous life.

In conclusion, Transjordan is an important place mentioned in the Bible, located on the eastern side of the Jordan River. It was home to different groups of people, including the Moabites and the Ammonites. The Bible tells stories of the Israelites crossing Transjordan and conquering the land with God's help. It was also a place where prophets would go to give important messages from God to the people living there.