ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Transparent data encryption

Hey there, kiddo! Today, we are going to talk about transparent data encryption!

You know how we have secrets that we don't want anyone else to know, like our favorite candy or our secret hideout place? Well, computers also have secrets that they want to keep safe.

Sometimes people try to hack into a computer and steal its secrets, like our secret candy stash. And that is not good! So, what can we do to keep these secrets safe?

Transparent data encryption is like a secret code that computers use to keep their secrets safe. It takes the secret information, like your favorite candy or documents, and jumbles them up in a way that nobody else can read or understand without the secret code.

So, even if someone tries to steal the computer's secrets, like our candy stash, they won't be able to read or understand anything because it's all jumbled up like a secret code.

That's why it's called transparent - it happens automatically in the background without anyone noticing, just like a magic trick!

So, transparent data encryption is just like keeping secrets safe and making them really hard for other people to understand without the secret code. Good thing we have this to keep our secrets safe!
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