ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Trapusa and Bahalika

Okay kiddo, Trapusa and Bahalika are two people from a story that happened a long, long time ago. The story is from a religion called Buddhism.

Trapusa and Bahalika were two merchants who were traveling and selling goods. One day, they met a man named Buddha who was a wise teacher. The Buddha gave them some teachings and they became his followers.

Later, Trapusa and Bahalika wanted to make a big offering to Buddha. They decided to offer him some rice but they couldn't find any rice in the area. So, they went to another place where they heard that there was some rice available. They bought the rice and started carrying it back to where the Buddha was.

On the way back, they were attacked by some robbers who wanted to steal the rice. But Trapusa and Bahalika stood their ground and fought off the robbers. They protected the rice and eventually reached Buddha's place.

Buddha was very happy with them and praised them for their bravery and generosity. This is why Trapusa and Bahalika are remembered in the Buddhist religion as two brave and generous merchants.

So, in summary, Trapusa and Bahalika were two people who met Buddha and became his followers. They later showed their bravery and generosity by protecting some rice that was meant to be offered to Buddha.