"Travail, famille, patrie" is a phrase that means "work, family, homeland" in French. It's a concept that was popularized in the early 20th century as a way to promote traditional values that were seen as important for French society.
Now, let's break it down into simpler terms:
Travail: This means work, which is something that adults do to earn money and provide for their families. Work can be many different things, like painting, teaching or baking bread.
Famille: This means family, which is made up of the people that we live with and who love and care for us. Families can be big or small and can include parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, and even pets!
Patrie: This means homeland, which is the place where we live and belong. It can be a country like France or the United States, a state or province or even a particular town or city.
So, "Travail, famille, patrie" is basically saying that it's important to work hard, take care of our families, and love our country. It's like reminding us that we have responsibilities to ourselves and those around us, and that we should take pride in where we come from.