ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Treaty of York

The Treaty of York was a special agreement that was made between two groups of people a long time ago in a place called York, which is in England. Imagine that you and your friend were playing a game and you both wanted to set some rules. That's kind of what happened with these two groups, except their game was about who was in charge of a really big area of land.

One group was the Scottish people, who lived in an area called Scotland. The other group was the English people, who lived in an area called England. They had been fighting over who got to control a special place called Northumberland for a while. But they realized that fighting wasn't doing anyone any good, and they needed to come up with a plan to work together.

So, they decided to make a treaty. The treaty was like a promise to follow some special rules, so they wouldn't fight anymore. The Scottish people agreed to give up their claim to Northumberland, and the English people agreed to pay them some money every year as a kind of compensation. They also promised to work together and be friends from then on.

Just like how we make agreements with our friends, the Treaty of York was an agreement between two groups of people to be fair and respectful to each other. And because they followed their promise, they were able to avoid fighting and make peace.