ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Triad (sociology)

Okay kiddo, I'll tell you about something called a triad in sociology.

In sociology, people study how humans interact with each other in different groups. One type of group is called a triad, which is a group of three people.

Imagine you and two of your friends playing a game together. You three would be a triad!

Now, sometimes when people are in a group of three, they may have some conflicts or disagreements with each other. This is called triadic closure. It's like when two of your friends might get mad at each other and stop talking, so you become the "middleman" and try to get them to be friends again.

But in some triads, there is something called a dyad. A dyad is just two people in the group who are closer to each other than to the third person. This can create tension because the third person might feel left out or excluded.

So, that's a triad in sociology! A group of three people who might experience some conflicts or tensions depending on their relationships with each other.