ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tribe of Joseph

Okay kiddo, so in a long time ago there were these people called the Israelites who were a big group of families that were related to each other. They believed in one God and had special rules they followed called the Ten Commandments. The Israelites were split into twelve smaller groups called tribes, and one of these tribes was called the tribe of Joseph.

Now, Joseph was a really important person in the history of the Israelites. He had eleven brothers, but they were jealous of him because their dad liked Joseph the most. They even sold Joseph into slavery and told their dad he was dead! But Joseph ended up becoming really powerful in Egypt and he helped save the Israelites from a big famine.

When the Israelites finally left Egypt, they were led by a man named Moses and they traveled through the desert. They eventually settled in a place called Israel, which is now a country. The tribe of Joseph was actually split into two smaller tribes called Ephraim and Manasseh, which were named after Joseph's two sons.

So, even though the tribe of Joseph isn't around anymore, their legacy lives on through the many descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh. And that's a little bit about the tribe of Joseph!