ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tribune of Galileo

Okay, so imagine you're playing with marbles and you have a really special one that you love. It's shiny and you think it's the coolest thing ever. But then your friend says that it's just an ordinary marble and not really that special.

This is kind of like what happened with Galileo. He was a really smart guy who looked at the sky with a fancy tool called a telescope and saw things that other people hadn't seen before. He realized that the Earth goes around the Sun, and not the other way around like everyone had always thought.

But some important people, called the Tribune, didn't believe him. They thought that Galileo was saying something really wrong and dangerous, because it went against what everyone had always believed. They told him he had to take back what he said or else he would get in big trouble.

Galileo didn't want to get in trouble, so he said he was wrong and that the Earth actually did go around the Sun. But he secretly still believed that he was right.

Finally, after many years, more people started to believe Galileo and realize that he was actually telling the truth. He became very famous and people started to listen to what he had to say. So even though the Tribune didn't believe him at first, eventually everyone else did.

So in the end, Galileo was kind of like the shiny marble that everyone thought wasn't special until they realized that it was actually really cool.