Triple Rush is a television show that follows three different courier companies in New York City. A courier is someone who delivers things like packages and letters to different places.
Each of the three companies that are featured on the show have their own team of couriers, who are shown picking up and delivering packages all over the city. It's like a big game of "I Spy" as viewers get to follow the couriers as they dodge traffic, navigate through crowded sidewalks, and make sure packages get to the right place at the right time.
The show is called Triple Rush because there are three different courier companies that are featured. Each company has their own ways of doing things, like using different types of bikes, having different technology to track packages, and different ways of organizing their courier teams.
Viewers get to see the ups and downs of each company, like when a package gets lost or when a courier gets into an accident. It's also interesting to see the different types of packages that get delivered, like a huge cake for a wedding or a special dress for a fashion show.
In the end, the show is all about the hardworking people who make sure things get delivered on time in a city that never stops moving. It's like watching a big adventure and seeing how these couriers get things done!