ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Trisodium phosphate

Trisodium phosphate, also known as TSP, is a special ingredient that is often used to clean things around your house. You might find it in some cleaning products or even in some foods.

Think of TSP like a superhero cleaning ingredient that can get rid of lots of bad stuff. It’s made up of three different things called sodium, phosphorus, and oxygen. When they come together, they create a powerful cleaning tool that can help get rid of dirt and grime.

For example, if you spill some spaghetti sauce on the kitchen counter, TSP can help you clean it up. It’s especially good at getting rid of oily or greasy stains, which can be really tough to clean otherwise. It’s kind of like a magic wand that makes dirt and grime disappear.

But even superheroes have to be used carefully. Because TSP is so strong, you should always use gloves and be very careful not to get it on your skin or in your eyes. And make sure you follow the instructions on the cleaning product or food label that includes TSP carefully.

So, although it may sound like a long and complicated name, trisodium phosphate is really just a powerful cleaning superhero that can help you keep your house clean and tidy.