ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


So, there is this type of music called polka which is super fun and makes people want to dance. And one of the most popular polkas is called the tritsch-tratsch-polka (try saying that three times fast!).

Now, in this polka, there are different instruments playing together. You might hear some violins, clarinets, trumpets, and maybe even an accordion! They all play different parts of the music that, when put together, make the tritsch-tratsch-polka.

When people dance to this polka, they usually do something called the "polka step." It's like taking little jumps and hops while moving side to side. It's really fun to watch and even more fun to do!

So, that's pretty much it! The tritsch-tratsch-polka is a super fun and popular type of music that makes people want to dance using the polka step.