ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Trompenaars's model of national culture differences

Hey kiddo, have you ever wondered why people from different countries have different ways of doing things like talking, eating, and even greeting each other? Well, that's because people around the world have different cultural values that shape their behavior.

Trompenaars's model of national culture differences is like a map that helps us understand and compare these cultural differences. It was created by a man named Fons Trompenaars who studied how people from different countries see the world and interact with each other.

Now, let's imagine that you and your friend from another country have to work together on a project. Trompenaars's model tells us that you might notice some differences in the way you and your friend communicate and work together.

One of the things Trompenaars studied is called "universalism vs. particularism". This means that some cultures believe in following strict rules and procedures (universalism), while others prefer to be more flexible and do what works best in each situation (particularism).

So, if you and your friend come from different cultural backgrounds and your culture values following strict rules and procedures, you might have trouble understanding why your friend doesn't want to follow the same plans and procedures you are used to.

Another thing Trompenaars studied is called "individualism vs. collectivism". This means that some cultures value individual achievements and independence (individualism), while others prefer to work together as a group and prioritize the needs of the group over the individual (collectivism).

If you come from a culture that values individualism, you might be used to making decisions independently, while your friend might be used to consulting with their family or group before making a decision.

So, Trompenaars's model helps us understand how cultures can have different values and preferences that influence the way people interact and work together. By learning about these cultural differences, we can communicate and work together more effectively with people from different backgrounds.