ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Trophy of arms

Hey there kiddo! So, a trophy of arms is kind of like a fancy collection of weapons that someone owns. Imagine you had a bunch of toy swords and guns that you really liked playing with. Now let's say you were really good at using those toys and even won some competitions with them. Well, you might want to put them all on display in your room or maybe even in an art museum so that people can admire them.

That's kind of what a trophy of arms is, except instead of toy swords and guns, it's real weapons like swords, guns, and armor. Back in the olden times, people who were really skilled at using these weapons would collect them and put them on display for everyone to see. It was like a way of showing off how good they were at fighting and also how wealthy they were, since these weapons were expensive to own.

Nowadays, you might still see trophy of arms in museums or maybe even in someone's fancy collection. But it's not as common as it used to be. It's like a way of preserving history and showing off the skills and wealth of people who lived a long time ago. Cool, huh?
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