ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tuple-generating dependency

Hey there! So, a tuple-generating dependency is when one or more columns in a database table can determine the values of another set of columns in that same table. In simpler words, it means that if we have some data in one column, we can predict what will be the data in another column.

Imagine you have a toy box, and in this box, there are some toys that come in different colors and shapes. If you have a blue car toy and a red car toy, you can say that these two toys have a tuple-generating dependency because if you know the color of one of the cars, you can automatically know the color of the other one.

Similarly, in a table in a database, if we have a column that has a unique identifier for each row (like an ID number), and another column that has a product name, we can determine what product name corresponds to each ID number. This is a tuple-generating dependency as well, since one column determines the values in another column.

That's it! Tuple-generating dependency is just a fancy way of saying that we can predict or determine values in one column based on the values in another column.