ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Turbo Vision

Turbo Vision is a way to make computer programs look pretty by adding colorful boxes and buttons.

Imagine you have a bunch of toys like Legos or blocks that you want to use to build something cool. With Turbo Vision, you get different kinds of toy blocks that, when you put them together, make a program look nice and organized.

For example, you can make a box that shows pictures or videos, or a button that you can press to start an action in the program. These special toy blocks help you to make programs that are easy to use and look great.

Turbo Vision is like a designer tool that makes it easier to build programs that people will enjoy using. It also prevents you from having to start from scratch every time you build a new program, because you can reuse the toy blocks in different ways to make new things. So now, with Turbo Vision, you can build programs that not only work well but also look amazing!