ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Two Bombs, One Satellite

Okay kiddo, so imagine you have two little bombs and a toy satellite. The bombs are like really powerful fireworks, but instead of just making pretty lights and sounds, they can explode and cause a lot of damage. The satellite is a little toy that you can put in space to take pictures and send messages.

Now, let's say you want to send the bombs to a faraway place, but you don't want to risk hurting anyone or anything on the way there. That's where the satellite comes in! You can put the bombs inside the satellite and launch it into space. The satellite will fly through space and keep the bombs safe until they get to their destination.

Once the satellite gets to where you want it to be, you can use some special buttons to make it release the bombs. The bombs will fall out of the satellite and explode where you want them to. Since they were in the satellite the whole time, they didn't hurt anything on the way there.

Of course, this is all just pretend and not something anyone should do in real life. It's important to use things like satellites for good things, like taking pictures of Earth or helping people communicate with each other.