ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Type C1 ship

Okay kiddo, a type c1 ship is a really big boat that people use to move a lot of things like toys, clothes, food, and even cars from one place to another across the ocean. It’s like a really big truck but instead of land, it travels on water.

The reason it’s called a type c1 ship is because it has a specific size and shape that allows it to carry a lot of things but still be able to move around easily in the water. The shape of the ship also helps it withstand rough waves and storms.

C1 ships were really popular in the past, but now people use even bigger and more advanced boats to transport things. But they were an important part of history because they helped countries trade with each other and made it easier for people to get things they needed from faraway places.

So basically, a type c1 ship is a big boat that carries a lot of stuff across the ocean!