ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Type T2 tanker

A type t2 tanker is like a big metal boat that carries a lot of oil or other liquids. It's called a t2 because it's the second type of tanker that was made during World War II.

Imagine playing with toy boats in the bathtub. You know how some toy boats are bigger than others and can hold more water? Well, a type t2 tanker is like the biggest toy boat you could ever imagine.

These tankers are made to be strong and durable so they can travel long distances across the ocean. They have big engines that make them go really fast, and they can hold thousands of gallons of oil or other liquids.

They're also designed to be safe, with things like fire extinguishers and lifeboats in case of an emergency. In fact, safety is really important when it comes to these tankers because if something goes wrong, it could be really bad for the environment and for people.

So basically, a type t2 tanker is a big, strong boat that carries a lot of liquid and is built to be safe and reliable.