ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

U.S. policy toward authoritarian governments

Sometimes, in some countries, the people in charge aren't very nice. They might use their power to hurt the people who don't agree with them. This type of government is called an "authoritarian government."

The United States is a big and powerful country that has relationships with many other countries around the world. When the U.S. talks to other countries that have authoritarian governments, they have to make choices about how they want to act.

Sometimes the U.S. will try to talk to the leaders of these countries and tell them that they need to treat their people better. They might even give them money or other important things if they agree to make improvements.

Other times, the U.S. might choose to be tougher and not talk to the leaders of these countries at all. They might stop trading with them or even put sanctions on them, which means they can't buy or sell certain things.

These decisions aren't always easy, and different people might have different ideas about what the U.S. should do. But the goal is for the U.S. to help make the world a better place by encouraging fair treatment and equality for everyone, no matter where they live.