ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

UK Dispersion Modelling Bureau

Ok kiddo, so you know how sometimes there are things in the air that we can't see or smell, like pollution from factories or cars? Well, there are people called the UK Dispersion Modelling Bureau whose job is to try and figure out where all that pollution might go and how it might affect people and the environment.

They use really smart computer programs and lots of information about the wind, temperature, and other stuff to create a map that shows where the pollution might go. Think of it like a treasure map, but instead of finding treasure, we're trying to help people stay healthy by avoiding the pollution.

The UK Dispersion Modelling Bureau might work for the government or companies who want to make sure they're not causing too much pollution, and they can help them figure out the best ways to reduce the pollution and keep people safe. It's kind of like being a superhero, but instead of fighting bad guys, they're fighting pollution!