ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

UK National DNA Database

Okay kiddo, so you know how people have something inside their bodies called DNA? It's like a code that makes everyone different and unique, just like how your fingerprint is unique to you. The United Kingdom has a big computer system where they keep the DNA information of people who have been arrested or suspected of crimes.

People who work for the government gather a sample of DNA from these people, usually by taking a small swab of the inside of their mouth. Then, they put this DNA code into the computer system so they can use it to help solve crimes.

The government thinks that having this big database of DNA will help them catch bad people who commit crimes. If they find some DNA at a crime scene, they can compare it to the DNA in the database and maybe find a match.

Some people have concerns about this because they think it might invade people's privacy or unfairly target certain groups of people. But the government thinks it's an important tool for keeping people safe and making sure criminals get caught.