ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay little one, so the Univac 1102 is a really big machine that people used a long time ago to do some really complicated calculations. It's like a really smart calculator that can do really big math equations super fast.

You know how sometimes you have to add numbers together to get the answer? Well, the Univac 1102 does that, but with really, REALLY big numbers. It can also do other math things like multiply, divide, and even use letters instead of numbers.

The cool thing about the Univac 1102 is that it could do all of these calculations super fast, much faster than people could do by hand. It could also store a lot of information all at once, so it could remember really big math problems and keep track of the answers.

So basically,the Univac 1102 was a really helpful machine that people used to do complicated math problems quickly and efficiently. It's like a very big brain that can remember lots of numbers and do lots of math really fast.