URI normalization is the process of making sure that a web address looks correct and consistent. Just like how you need to make sure your toys are put away in the right place and your clothes are neat and tidy, websites need to make sure their addresses are neat and tidy too.
Let's say you want to visit a website like "www.example.com". That's a simple and easy web address that we can all understand. But what if the web address looked like this: "www.eXaMpLe.com"? That's a little confusing to read, isn't it? URI normalization makes sure that web addresses all look the same, no matter how they are written.
It's like when you need to put clothes in a drawer. You want to make sure the shirts are all facing the same way and the pants are all folded neatly. URI normalization does the same thing for web addresses. It makes sure that all the letters are in the same case, there are no extra spaces or punctuation marks, and everything is spelled correctly.
URI normalization helps websites run smoothly and makes it easier to find the right web address. Just like how it's easier to find your favorite toy when it's put away properly, it's easier to find a website when its address is normalized.