ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Imagine you have a toy car that you really like and you want to take it out for a drive. But you know that sometimes accidents happen and your toy car could get broken. So, to protect your toy car, you buy some insurance. Insurance is like a promise from someone else (in this case, an insurance company) that they will help you fix or replace your toy car if it gets broken.

Now, let's say that instead of a toy car, you have a real car that you use to go places. Just like the toy car, you can buy insurance for your real car too. But, there are different kinds of insurance based on how much protection you want for your car.

If you only buy a little bit of insurance, that means you are "underinsured." This is like if you go outside and it's raining, but you only have a small umbrella that doesn't cover your whole body. If the rain starts to pour really hard, you will still get wet, and your umbrella won't do much to protect you.

Similarly, if you are underinsured and something big happens, like getting into a car accident where you or someone else is hurt, the amount of insurance you bought might not be enough to cover all the costs. This can be a big problem because you might have to pay for the remaining costs out of your own pocket which could be very expensive.

That's why it's important to make sure you have enough insurance to protect yourself and your car in case something bad happens.