ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Unequal crossing over

Have you ever played with Legos and built a really cool house or car? Well, our body has tiny Lego-like pieces called genes. These genes decide things like what color our eyes will be or whether we will have curly or straight hair.

Now, imagine you have two identical sets of Legos (one from your mom and one from your dad) and are trying to build the same house. Sometimes when the two sets of Legos get mixed up, it can cause a mistake in the way the genes get put together. This is where unequal crossing over happens.

Unequal crossing over is like when a builder accidentally mixes up the two sets of Legos and ends up with one set having more or less pieces than the other. In our body, this can cause changes in the genes that control our traits. This can result in things like genetic disorders or diseases.

So, we have to be careful when our genes mix and match, just like when we mix up our Legos. But don't worry, scientists are working hard to understand how this happens so they can help prevent these mistakes from happening in the future.