ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Unification of Germany

Once upon a time, a long long time ago, there were a bunch of small kingdoms in what we now know as Germany. Each of these kingdoms had its own ruler, its own government, and its own rules. Even though they were all in the same area, they didn't always get along with each other.

In the 19th century, there was a man named Otto von Bismarck who wanted to bring all these tiny kingdoms together into one big country called Germany. Bismarck believed that Germany would be stronger if it was united, and he worked hard to make this happen.

He convinced the leaders of some of the bigger kingdoms to join together and form a group called the North German Confederation. This group was basically a way for the kingdoms to work together, and it made them stronger when they had to deal with other countries.

But Bismarck didn't stop there. He wanted all of Germany to be united, so he kept working to convince the leaders of the other kingdoms to join the North German Confederation too.

It took a long time, but eventually Bismarck succeeded. In 1871, the leaders of all the kingdoms came together to sign a document that officially created the country we know now as Germany.

And that's how Germany became a united country with one government and one set of rules for everyone.