ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Unit function

A unit function is like a tiny helper that helps us understand how much of something we have. Imagine you have a lot of candy and you want to share it with your friends, but you don't know how much each friend will get. You can use a unit function to help you figure it out.

The unit function is like a measuring stick that helps us measure how much candy each friend gets. For example, if you have 10 pieces of candy and 5 friends, you can use the unit function "per friend" to figure out that each friend will get 2 pieces of candy.

The unit function can be used for all sorts of things, like measuring liquids (e.g. gallons per minute), counting objects (e.g. pencils per student), or even tracking time (e.g. hours per day).

So, the next time you need help figuring out how much of something you have, just remember to use the unit function! It's like a little helper that can make math easier and more fun.
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