ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

United Nations Commission on Human Rights

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of the United Nations? It's a big group made up of countries from all around the world who work together to solve problems and make the world a better place.

One of the things the United Nations cares about a lot is how people are treated. They believe that everyone should be treated fairly and with kindness, no matter what. And that's where the United Nations Commission on Human Rights comes in!

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights is a group of people who work within the United Nations to make sure that everyone's human rights are protected. What are human rights, you ask? Well, they're sort of like rules for how people should be treated.

For example, everyone has the right to go to school, to speak their mind, to live in peace, and to be safe from harm. These are all things that the United Nations Commission on Human Rights makes sure are happening for people all around the world.

The people who work for the United Nations Commission on Human Rights travel to different countries and talk to leaders and regular people to make sure that everyone's human rights are being respected. They also write reports and create strategies for how to make things better for people who are being treated unfairly.

So in summary, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights is like a really important team of people who work to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and with kindness. They want to make the world a happier and safer place for all of us!