ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking

Okay kiddo! So, have you ever heard of the United Nations before? It's like a big group of countries that come together to try and make the world a better place.

Well, one thing that the United Nations is really worried about is something called human trafficking. Do you know what that is? It's when bad people take others and make them work or even sell them, like they're objects instead of real people with feelings and rights. That's not fair, right?

So, the United Nations came up with something called the Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking. That's just a really fancy way of saying that they want to stop human trafficking all over the world. They want to make sure that everyone knows what human trafficking is and how to stop it. They also want to make sure that people who have been hurt by human trafficking can get help and support.

The United Nations talks to lots of different countries and groups to try and get everyone to work together to fight human trafficking. They also make rules and laws to punish people who do human trafficking, to try and scare them into stopping.

Overall, the United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking is just a way for lots of people to come together and make sure that nobody is ever hurt by human trafficking again. It's a really important job that everyone can help with by being kind to others and talking to grown-ups if they feel like something isn't right.