ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

United Nations Security Council Resolution 180

Hey kiddo, do you know what the United Nations is? It's like a club where countries come together to talk and make decisions about important things that affect the whole world, like peace and security.

Now, the United Nations Security Council is a special part of that club that is responsible for making decisions about how to keep the world safe.

Resolution 180 is kind of like a rule or a decision that the Security Council made back in the year 1963. It was about a situation in a country called Congo (now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo).

You see, at that time, Congo had a lot of problems. There were different groups of people fighting against each other and causing a lot of violence. The United Nations wanted to help stop the violence and bring peace to the country.

So, Resolution 180 was like a plan that the United Nations came up with to help make that happen. It said that they were going to send a group of people called "peacekeepers" to Congo. These peacekeepers were going to help the government of Congo try to restore order and end the fighting.

The resolution also said that other countries should help too, by not sending any weapons or supplies to the groups that were causing the violence. This was important because it meant that the United Nations and the government of Congo could try to bring peace without any interference from outside sources.

In the end, the peacekeepers were able to help calm things down and bring some peace to Congo. There were still some problems later on, but Resolution 180 was an important step towards making things better.

So, that's what Resolution 180 was all about. It was like a plan that the United Nations made to help a country in need, and it worked out pretty well!