ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

United States Space Surveillance Network

Okay kiddo, you know how we have really cool space things like satellites that help us with things like GPS and weather forecasts? Well, the United States has a special group of people who watch over all of those space objects to make sure they don't crash into each other!

This group is called the United States Space Surveillance Network. They use special telescopes and radars to keep an eye on all of the satellites, rockets, and space junk that are floating around in space.

You know how we have traffic lights and signs on the roads to make sure we don't crash into each other? Well, the Space Surveillance Network does the same thing, but for space! They keep track of where all the different things in space are, and make sure they don't run into each other.

It's really important work because if satellites or space junk crash into each other, they can create a lot of debris that can be dangerous for people and equipment in space. So the Space Surveillance Network helps keep all of those important things safe and working properly!