ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

United States postal notes

Picture this, little friend: You know how sometimes when you want to buy something you give the person selling it some money? Well, a long time ago in the United States, people used to give each other these special pieces of paper called Postal Notes instead of money.

These Postal Notes were made by the United States Post Office, which is the place that sends letters and packages to people's doors. They worked kinda like a check or a gift card, where you would go to the post office and give them some regular money to get a Postal Note with that amount of money on it.

You could use the Postal Note to buy things or pay for services like getting a haircut or buying some groceries. But the neat thing about Postal Notes is that they were really safe to use, because you could only use them at certain post offices or places that accepted them, so not just anyone could steal or use your money.

Postal Notes were made in different colors and had pictures of famous people on them, like President Abraham Lincoln. And while they don't make Postal Notes anymore, they still have some value to collectors who like to collect cool old things like them.