ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Universal Description Discovery and Integration

Universal Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI) is like a big phone book for businesses on the internet. Just like how you can look up a friend's phone number in a phone book, companies can use UDDI to find information about other businesses they want to work with.

UDDI is made up of three main parts: the white pages, the yellow pages, and the green pages. The white pages are like a business card - it has things like the name of the company, the people who work there, and their contact information. The yellow pages have more information about the company, like what kind of goods or services they offer, and where they are located. Finally, the green pages have super important information that can help businesses work together, like what technology they use and how they can connect to each other's computer systems.

UDDI is important because it helps businesses find each other and work together more easily. Think of it like a giant bulletin board at a library where people can leave notes about what they need or what they have to offer. UDDI makes it easier for businesses to find the information they need to connect with each other and work on projects together.