Admission to university or college means that you are accepted to go and learn at a school after you finish high school. Imagine that high school is like the kiddie pool at the water park and university or college is like the big pool with water slides.
To get into university or college, you need to follow some steps. First, you need to fill out an application form. This is like filling out a permission slip. You need to write down your name, address, phone number, and answer some questions about yourself.
Next, you may need to write an essay. This is like writing a letter or telling a story. You need to say why you want to go to university or college and why you think you would be a good student.
You also need to give the school your grades from high school. Grades are like stickers that you get when you do a good job. The school wants to know how well you did in your classes in high school.
Some schools may also ask you to take a test. This is like taking a quiz. The school wants to see how smart you are and what you know.
Finally, you need to pay a fee. This is like paying to go on a ride at the amusement park. You need to pay a fee to apply to university or college.
After you do all of these things, the university or college will decide if they want you to come and learn there. If they say yes, then you can start packing your bags and get ready for a big adventure!