ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Untouchable (social system)

In some countries, there is a social system where people are put into different groups depending on their jobs and families they were born into. The highest group is usually made up of really rich and important people, while the lower groups are usually made up of people who do jobs that aren't seen as important or who aren't as wealthy.

The untouchables are a group of people in India who are considered to be at the very bottom of this social system. They are often called the Dalits. This means that they have fewer rights and opportunities than other people in India. Many people in India believe that, if you are born into the untouchable group, you will always be part of that group and can never move up in the social system.

People who are part of the untouchable group often work in jobs that other people don't want to do. For example, they might clean toilets, handle dead animals, or work with waste. They are often seen as dirty or impure because of the jobs they do. This means that many people in India don't want to be near them or touch them because they believe that they will become dirty too.

Even though there are laws in India that protect the rights of the untouchable group, many people still treat them badly. They might be excluded from important events like weddings or religious ceremonies. They might be forced to live in separate areas or use separate water sources because people are afraid of being contaminated by them. This is very unfair and can make it very difficult for people in the untouchable group to live happy and healthy lives.