ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Urmia Plain

Urmia Plain is a very big and flat land that is located in Iran. It's like a big bowl without any hills or mountains, and there's a big lake in the middle called Urmia Lake.

Now imagine if you have a bowl filled with water and you put some salt in it. If you leave it in the sun for a long time, the water will evaporate and the salt will get left behind.

That's kind of what happened to Urmia Lake. The sun was very hot and there wasn't a lot of rain, so the water in the lake began to evaporate. But the lake was also very salty, so as the water evaporated, the salt was left behind and the lake became even saltier.

This made things very hard for the animals and plants that lived in and around the lake. They couldn't survive in such salty water, and the lake began to shrink even more.

But people who live in the area noticed what was happening and started working to fix it. They built canals and dams to bring more water into the lake, and they also began to work on reducing the amount of salt in the lake.

Thanks to their efforts, the lake is starting to get healthier and bigger again. And that's a very good thing for all of the animals and plants that call Urmia Plain home!