ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

V–IV–I turnaround

Okay kiddo, a v-iv-i turnaround is a special pattern of musical notes that helps a song sound good and end nicely. Do you know what a musical scale is? It's a group of notes that sound good when played together. In the key of C, the musical scale would have the notes C, D, E, F, G, A, and B.

Now, in the v-iv-i turnaround, we focus on the fifth note, the fourth note, and the first note of the scale. So if we were in the key of C, the fifth note is G, the fourth note is F, and the first note is C.

First, we play the fifth note or "G" and make it sound happy (major). Then we play the fourth note or "F" and make it sound kind of sad (minor). This creates a feeling of tension in the music. Then we resolve that tension by playing the first note or "C" and make it sound really happy (major). This makes the song feel complete!

Musicians use the v-iv-i turnaround because it's a really cool way to end a song. It makes people feel satisfied and happy. So next time you listen to a song, try to listen for the v-iv-i turnaround and see if you can hear it!