ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

VO2 max

Okay, so imagine you are running around in a big field with your friends. At first, you might feel like you have lots of energy and can run really fast without getting too tired. But eventually, you might start to feel more and more tired, and it might be harder to keep up with your friends.

VO2 max is like a fancy way of measuring how much energy your body can use when you are exercising or being active. It's kind of like a gas tank in a car - the fuller it is, the longer you can go without running out of gas.

When you exercise, your body needs oxygen to help you breathe and get the energy you need to keep going. VO2 max measures how much oxygen your body can take in and use during exercise. The higher your VO2 max, the more energy you can use, and the longer you can keep up with your friends in the big field.

One way to improve your VO2 max is to exercise regularly, like going for a jog or playing sports with your friends. The more you exercise, the stronger your body becomes, and the more energy it can use. And who knows, with enough practice, you might even become the fastest runner in the field!