ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Valence bond theory

Valence bond theory is like when you play with your toys and you have different shapes that fit together. Just like how you have different shapes that fit together, atoms also have shapes that fit together. When atoms come close to each other, they share their shapes and form a bond. This bonding happens when the outermost layer of atoms, called valence electrons, interact with each other.

Think of it like two kids holding hands to cross the street. They each have their own hands, just like each atom has its own valence electrons. When their hands come together, they make a bond, just like atoms make a bond when their valence electrons interact.

The valence bond theory explains how these valence electrons interact and how they create different types of bonds. For example, when two atoms share their electrons equally, they form a covalent bond. This is like when you and your friend share your toys and play together.

But sometimes, one atom is stronger than the other and pulls the shared electrons closer to itself. This creates a polar covalent bond, which is like when one kid gets to play with most of the toys and the other kid only gets to play with a few.

Valence bond theory helps scientists understand how different types of molecules are formed and how they interact with each other. Just like how you need to fit your puzzle pieces together to make a complete picture, atoms need to fit their valence electrons together to create bonds and make molecules.
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