ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vault 7

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a cool toy box that is filled with all of your favorite toys. Now imagine if someone went into your toy box and took all of your favorite toys out without asking you. That would make you pretty upset, right?

Well, that's kind of what happened with something called Vault 7. You see, the government has something called the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which is like a group of really smart people who try to keep our country safe by gathering information. They have something called software, which is like a computer program that helps them do their job.

But sometimes, the CIA needs to use software to do things that are kind of sneaky, like spying on people. And they developed a lot of sneaky software to do that. Vault 7 was a bunch of secret documents that got leaked, and they contained information about all that sneaky software.

People got really upset because they felt like the CIA was taking away their privacy, just like if someone took all your toys. And because it was a secret, people were worried that the CIA was doing things they weren't supposed to do.

So, Vault 7 is really just a bunch of secret documents that got leaked about sneaky software that the CIA had. And people got upset because they felt like their privacy had been taken away.