ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a 3D movie or put on those funny glasses that make pictures look like they're popping out at you? That's kind of like what a vectograph is!

A vectograph is a special kind of picture that can make things look like they're floating in the air. And it does this by using something called polarized light.

You know how when you put on those funny glasses, one of the lenses is red and the other is blue or green? Well, same idea here. When light gets polarized, it gets split up into two different directions - think of it like one half of the light goes through a red lens and the other half goes through a blue lens.

So when you look at a vectograph, you're actually seeing two different pictures overlaid on top of each other. And each picture is only visible through one of the polarized filters on the glasses you wear to see it. Your brain puts the two pictures together and it looks like some of the stuff in the picture is floating right in front of you!

So that's what a vectograph is, kiddo. It's a cool kind of picture that uses polarized light to make things look like they're floating in the air. Pretty neat, huh?