ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Velocity Based Training (VBT)

Velocity based training, or VBT for short, is a way of measuring how fast you lift weights. Imagine you're lifting a heavy box. If you lift it slowly, it will feel really heavy and hard to lift. But if you lift it quickly, it will feel lighter and easier to lift. The same thing happens with weights at the gym.

When you do VBT, you use a special device that measures how fast you're lifting the weights. This helps you figure out how heavy the weights should be based on how fast you're lifting them. If you're lifting the weights quickly, it means they're not quite heavy enough, so you can increase the weight. If you're lifting the weights slowly, it means they're too heavy, so you can decrease the weight.

VBT is a really great way to make sure you're lifting the right amount of weight for your body. It helps you avoid injury by making sure you're not lifting too much weight, and it also helps you get stronger by making sure you're lifting enough weight to challenge yourself. So the next time you're at the gym, ask your trainer about VBT so you can start lifting smarter!