ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vers libre

Hi there little one! Today we are going to talk about a type of poetry called "vers libre". Now, you might be used to hearing poems that rhyme and have a very specific pattern to how they sound. But with vers libre, it's different!

Vers libre is a type of poetry where the words don't have to rhyme and there's no set pattern for how many syllables or sounds each line should have. It's like coloring outside the lines!

Instead of following a certain rhythm or structure, the poet gets to decide how they want the poem to sound and look on the page. They can make the lines short or long, choppy or flowing, and use whatever words they want.

It's kind of like making a sculpture out of clay. You can mold it into any shape or design that you want, without any restrictions. Similarly, poets can use vers libre to explore new ways of expressing their thoughts and feelings through words.

So, vers libre is all about breaking the rules and being creative. It might not sound like your typical nursery rhyme, but it can be just as fun and exciting to read and write!