ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vestiarium Scoticum

Okay kiddo, Vestiarium Scoticum is a really old book from Scotland that talks about what people used to wear a long, long time ago. This book was made a very long time ago, in the year 1842, by two brothers named John and Charles Sobieski Stuart. They said that they were from a really important royal family in Scotland and that this book was based on their family's traditional clothing.

As you know, Scotland is a wee bit chilly, so the people who lived there needed really warm clothes. The Vestiarium Scoticum talks about all the different types of clothes people used to wear to stay warm. They wore these really cool-looking tartan designs, which were made up of different colored stripes that crisscrossed each other.

The book also talks about how important it was for people to show off their family's colors through their clothing. Each family had special patterns and colors that meant something to them, so they wanted everyone to see them in what they wore.

In the end kiddo, The Vestiarium Scoticum is a special book because it talks about the history of Scottish clothing and how proud people were of what they wore!